Friday 11 July 2014

final poster

A little taster of the free-running workshop!

Time for training...

Bully on the block pic

Final trailer

Behind the scenes on the Block

Bully on the Block Trailer [Final Rendering]

Bully on the Block Draft Trailer

BoTB draft trailer from ben on Vimeo.

draft posters

draft trailer 2


The great escape - bloopies from Media @ St. Bons on Vimeo.

bloopers and pics

Final Poster

Blank Group - The Bloopers

Every great trailer has its bloopers....

Final Trailer - HardcoreParkour

Group: Ruben, Menelik, VJ, George and David

Blank Group - The Finished Trailer

The finished version of our movie COLT.


the last and final vlog of the BLANK group

Storm Free-runners at work!

Blank Group VLOGS - Day 3


Welcome to our first attempt at editing

COLT - The Trailer [Draft 2]

This is our trailer. It still needs some refining but here's what we've got so far.

Jazzy's ring workout

Training day 2: Chainstore

2ndday bully from Media @ St. Bons on Vimeo.

Blank Productions - A Short Film

 Here is a short film we made. It was a chance for us to demonstrate our artistic abilities. We displayed our ability to shoot from several angles and create an interesting story.

Hardcore parkoour day 2 from Media @ St. Bons on Vimeo

UPDATED version of poster - Hardcore Parkour

This is the Updated version of the poster with the slogan at the top. The group picture will go in the blank part of the poster which will be updated today.

Thursday 10 July 2014

101% Productions - The Great Escape - Movie Poster

101% Productions- The Great Escape - Trailer- Draft

Blank Group - Our Trailer [Draft]

draft poster

our first day edit!!

C.R.E from Media @ St. Bons on Vimeo.

We liked Juice - Trailer....

We like Shank trailer...


Introduction to CREAM

As you know our group go's by the name of C.R.E.A.M 









Poster draft 3-BLANK



this is the first draft of the poster.

Draft Trailer

Hardcore Parkour DRAFT Trailer from Media @ St. Bons on Vimeo.

This is our DRAFT Trailer for the group Hardcore Parkour.
Group Members: Ruben , George, Leslie, VJ, Menelik 

Blank Group - Our Inspiration

This trailer inspired us because it stuck in our minds. This is because of the ending of the trailer. Due to it being so surprising, the ending lingered in our minds. We tried to include this sense of surprise in our ending to. We discovered that this sense of surprise can built excitement and anticipation for the movie.

2nd Inspiring Trailer - Hardcore Parkour

This is the second trailer that inspired us to make the trailer similar to this video. This video inspired our group because we learnt similar things in Parkour Academy.

Blank Group - Day 3

Day 3
We started the day by recording our chase scene because unfortunately we did not go to Leah Park to record it. It went very well because we were able to record some vaults. The group also managed to record the chase from various different angles.

After break, we had a very challenging fitness session. This included playing football in the sports hall for 2 hours. It was very tiring because there were only 4 teams and the matches were very long, so when you won the game, your team would already be tired.

Next, we began editing our movie trailer and creating our poster.

Trailer that inspired us...

This Trailer inspired us in creating our own trailer called: Hardcore Parkour. The final trailer will be coming to the blog soon! so stay tuned.


What you need to put on your blog:

You must include the following on your page:

- An introduction to the group - including a group photo
- A link to two films that you find inspirational on parkour
- A link to two film trailers you liked that inspired your trailer
- A summary of what you have done each day (preferably with photos)
- A link to the film you made on Tuesday - embedded into the blog (click here to find your film)
- A 45 second medley (with music and titles) of your training at parkour academy (ask someone in your group to make this)
- 3 drafts of your poster design
- A photo post showing 2 selected shots and 2 rejected shots
- Your final film trailer!

Good luck

Trailer Draft


Chainstore training day

Create inovate blank from Media @ St. Bons on Vimeo.

The chain store

come and try free running/ parkour with professional.

You could do this if you practice

If you train you could achieve this and possibly peruse a career in free running/parkour.

Don't try this at home!!!

don't try this at home because you are not a professional free runner

This could also put your life in danger.

Poster Draft

This is how the poster will look when it's fully completed. However, there are still things to add in the middle like the picture etc.This is the unfinished poster of the film. The fully finished poster will come to the blog later on this week.
The image is made using Adobe  Photoshop. 

Group Members : Ruben, George, Menelik, Leslie, David and VJ

Wednesday 9 July 2014

New bully on the block character profile poster

Blank Group - Day 2

Day 2
Later today, we will be going to Leah Park to record some footage of our movie clip COLT. This is where we will record most of our footage. We will be using the vaults we learnt yesterday in our movie. We have all our plans ready and just have to record then edit it.

Later in the day
In the end, we didn't end up going to Leah Park. Instead, we went to a place (The Chainstore) to practice some parkour moves. We took several trains to get there. We had to do all sorts of exercises and jumps. It was really tiring. The whole thing was a test of our strength; arms and legs. We stopped after several hours of grueling pain and went back to Upton Park Station.

Final Logo

Create and Innovate 2014 - Hardcore Parkour - FINAL LOGO

This is our title for our group as well as the Movie poster which will be updated later on this week.
The Movie Poster will contain this image which will be in the final Movie Poster.

People in our group: Ruben, Menelik, George, Leslie and Vijay

101% Productions - Poster Draft

Tuesday 8 July 2014


New bully on the block content (poster)

Leap Park

This is where we are going tomorrow to train and film...

Parkour training academy

Welcome to Blank Group

Hello. My name is Emmanuel. I am part of the Blank Group. We consist of 4 other people (Collin, Zach, Jonash and Hayden) including myself. We are a group of classmates who have been tasked with creating a movie trailer (we have named it COLT) that includes hardcore parkour. This means that we must include a chase scene using things such as vaults. We have only 4 days to create this, so we must work extra hard to provide enough footage.

Day 1
We were at the genesis of creating our movie trailer. Before we even started, we had to learn how to do some vaults and jumps with the help of some professional parkour instructors. After that, we practiced our recording skills by recording some footage of the instructors doing their thing.

After this, we had to record a short clip. This gave us even more time to practice using the cameras.We shot from several different camera angles (mid-shot,over the shoulder, low shot, tracking, high shot).  Next, we edited the clips and created a short movie. We added sound effects to this. This gave us insight as to how to use editing software and record clips for our movie trailer.

Later that day, we added some finishing touches to our short clip and we showed the rest of the class. I don't mean to boast, but I'm pretty sure my group had the best clip!

Monday 7 July 2014

Welcome to Create & Innovate 2014!

We will be busy uploading our work to the blog over the next few days - we hope you enjoy our creations!  Check out each of the team pages using the links above to see our individual contributions...