Tuesday 8 July 2014

Welcome to Blank Group

Hello. My name is Emmanuel. I am part of the Blank Group. We consist of 4 other people (Collin, Zach, Jonash and Hayden) including myself. We are a group of classmates who have been tasked with creating a movie trailer (we have named it COLT) that includes hardcore parkour. This means that we must include a chase scene using things such as vaults. We have only 4 days to create this, so we must work extra hard to provide enough footage.

Day 1
We were at the genesis of creating our movie trailer. Before we even started, we had to learn how to do some vaults and jumps with the help of some professional parkour instructors. After that, we practiced our recording skills by recording some footage of the instructors doing their thing.

After this, we had to record a short clip. This gave us even more time to practice using the cameras.We shot from several different camera angles (mid-shot,over the shoulder, low shot, tracking, high shot).  Next, we edited the clips and created a short movie. We added sound effects to this. This gave us insight as to how to use editing software and record clips for our movie trailer.

Later that day, we added some finishing touches to our short clip and we showed the rest of the class. I don't mean to boast, but I'm pretty sure my group had the best clip!

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